cnta internet..
sgt fun sgt seronok..
first time CN chating i'm always hurting people who is guy..
very fun because they in love with you..
but through this chating i find an interested "guy"..
a year kteorg brsama mengenali brmesra brgurau menangis memarahi dn strusnye
he is the one mybe..
But many of my frenz said boleh cye ke love cmni?? can u trust this "guy"?? prnah jmpe keR?
i laugh deep in my side.. what can i say.. juz believe it n love him.. meet?? one day maybe..
my brother always said that picture does not show urself.. its just u on the outside.. inside is more important.. from that i learn one thing that even u or anybody look hideous i still love u because of urself not ur picture... sometimes walau pn kte cntik atau hensem tk b'mkne dye iklas nk kn kte.. mgkin sbb luaran yg bgitu indah.. sbb the devil always around u.. tp mybe ade yg iklas kerna dye ade la satu dlm sjuta org.. ape yg CN cbe smpai kn knp cnta kena pndang rpe dlu then bru hti.. knp bkn agama nye dlu.. sbb itu yg pnting kn.. mgkin msih awal utk CN cte psal love tp slah ke klu nk b'cnta?? slh ke utk di sayangi?? kdg2 kte matured lbih dr org len.. mgkin kte perlukn skrg sbb matured tu dtg dn wujud dlm diri.. true love always coming from the expirienced.. without it we don't know how to learn it to be more better.. kte tk boleh bezakn ini btul atau tk.. just follow ur heart because GOD always give a clue through the heart.. CN pling tk ske ikot ckp org sdgkn kte ade hti utk menilai.. tnye pndapat its ok.. tp ikot ckp tnpa fikir itu pling truk.. so do not judge a book by its cover.. kte tk jmpe pon tp kte ley knl melalui rse hti..
cnta internet indah klu org tu pndai melaluinyer dgn keredaan DIA. dont judge it if u not feel it.
ps/ i love you!
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Cinta internet
Posted by Farah Razali at 3:23 PM 0 comment2
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Thank you abang
Abang thanks sbb blanjer adik steak!!
gle best!
ni CN mkn kt victoria station.. hahahha
murah je n sdp..
abg dpt bonus ley la blnjer kn..
nnt CN nk ajk org tu mkn sni gak!!
ala2 first dinner lorr..
Posted by Farah Razali at 6:07 PM 1 comment2
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Kemarahan yg membuak2
aku ltih..pnt..jauh hti..
aku mmg pns tul hri ni..
benci +skit hti+cm s...
asal ha rse cmni..
aku pnt dgn sikap ..... yg tk putus2 mnyakiti aku..
aku bnci hubungan p'shabatan la konon nye.. tp wtf!!
terpulang la.. the end!
Posted by Farah Razali at 6:30 PM 0 comment2
Monday, December 14, 2009
Miss School LOL
Posted by Farah Razali at 7:00 PM 0 comment2
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Baby Brownies
Sdp,nyummy n cute..
ritu CN wat ngan mama.. fun gle..
wat dye sng gle.. isi skit jer dh msk dye nek cm belon!!
coklat dye mnis.. wah sdp.. nk lg..
to mama> nnt kte wat agy tau..
Posted by Farah Razali at 12:34 AM 1 comment2
Friday, October 23, 2009
Hayfa Nur Zulaikha.. syg dye..
Posted by Farah Razali at 1:47 PM 2 comment2
Friday, October 16, 2009
Such as lovely song
Infant Sorrow: Inside of You
Old as ancient skies,
I've had these wandering eyes,
but you took me by surprise,
when you let me
Inside of You.
Inside of You,
Inside of You,
There's got to be, some part of me
Inside of You.
Inside of You,
I could cross this desert plain,
Inside of You,
I can hear you scream my name,
Inside of You,
While the stars unfold,
I've crossed me heart and I've crossed the world,
and I need you here and I need to be
Inside of You.
Now the flowers bloom,
I feel you creep into my room,
and if this should be our tune,
I'll die here,
Inside of You.
And the world explodes,
I've never been down this road,
Teach me how to grow,
While I'm movin'
Inside of You.
Inside of You,
The restless find their dreams,
Inside of You,
This King has found his Queen,
Inside of You,
While the stars unfold,
I've crossed me heart and I've crossed the world,
and I need you here and I need to be
Inside of You.
Inside of You,
Bay blue,
so say adieu to thoughts untrue,
Who I woo, it's You I woo.
Through and through,
and through and through,
There's so much more than just a screw,
Inside of You.
and I was blizzard blind,
felt like I'd lost me mind,
but You've treated me so kind,
I don't know what to do.
Posted by Farah Razali at 6:08 PM 1 comment2
Thursday, October 15, 2009
My Beloved Necklace
Posted by Farah Razali at 3:33 PM 1 comment2
Daddy"s Birthday
Posted by Farah Razali at 2:14 PM 1 comment2
Friday, October 2, 2009
CN's feeling about ...
yesterday.. i thought i want to call him..
but he text me about the girl who are really s*** to me... i don't know her, i don't care bout her,
n i don't really wanna know bout her.. all s*** to me.. go f*** urself..
i'm still talking bout the bitch!!
i wonder y my y*** always talking bout her.. are she really 'cun'?? what the F!!
i wrote this not because i'm jelous 4god sick no!hell no! i just unsatisfied with the bitch!
Gossip together at the office.. Da!! are u good enough!!
want to flirt my y***?? see the mirror first!!
i never felt like this before..
for my y*** i dont want to mad u.. i juz wanna be with u..
please help me by not talking about her anymore..
sory guys cause using dirty words!!
Posted by Farah Razali at 2:30 PM 0 comment2
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Hari yg tk b'tuah
Posted by Farah Razali at 4:59 PM 0 comment2
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Bengang Dgn tut....
hye lme dh tk updAte blog ni..
so skunk cik nanai nk luah something..
cte dye cmni la..
CN tk kwn dgn sorg dak ni.. pnce nye sbb dye fitnah CN..
sbb p'buatan dye ni member CN mrh CN.. maki2..
CN pon mls la nk kwn dye.. smenjak CN tk kwn dye la kn..
prangai dye mkin scuk!! pling CN tk ske ble dye meniru n b'bincang time exam..
tk adil la kn.. mrkh always highest!!
pnh satu hri si B tgur, knp tk tgur CN.. dye kta per tau.. entah la..
rini aku dtg dorg tbe2 pulau kn aku... ape lah slh aku dorg wat aku cmni..
Knp msti dye ckp cmtu?? smua org pk CN jaat.. tp ade tk dye tnye knp
CN lyn dye cmtu? skit hti tau.. org asyik tnye je npe CN ni wat dye..
padahal dye yg wat CN dlu.. kteorg pon tk brape ske dh ngan dye sbb mulot dye
trok sgt.. mke mmg bek tp prangai Allah je tau.. skunk ni dh jeling2 plk kt CN.. tp biarlh
Allah maha adil..
kpd org yg kt luar sne.. stiap p'kara yg org wat tu msti ade sbb.. knp msti cte bnda burok
kt org len klu kte sndiri ade mulot utk b'tnye ksalahan kte..
stiap manusia pasti wat ksilapan.. tu pasal Allah jd kn mulot utk mntk maaf..
so fhm2 la wei CN tk mau cte byk2 wat tmbh dosa jer.. k bye..
Posted by Farah Razali at 10:42 PM 0 comment2
Monday, May 18, 2009
Me n Myself..
Posted by Farah Razali at 1:07 PM 1 comment2